
Please consider joining our enthusiastic community of volunteers.

As an entirely volunteer organization, the CHS relies on the energy and skills of community members to carry out its mission. Any contribution of your time, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated.
Your commitment can range from a short one time involvement to an ongoing one. The choice is yours. Please take a look at some of the volunteer opportunities listed below. We are sure you will be able to find one where you can match your skills and interests to our needs.

Hospitality: help with refreshments at a one-time program or help host a larger event such as the annual dinner. Set-up and clean-up jobs are similarly small or large.

Educational Docent: jobs range from opening the Indian School for a visiting group or special Open House day to leading a walking tour to one of Columbia’s historical sites. Training will be provided.

Educational Programming: Work in this area ranges from developing programming for school children, to creating brochures for walking tours or booklets on specific subjects, to helping to create and carry out the annual Public Program plan.

Front Desk: help greet and orient visitors to the new History Place.

Research: Assist with an original research project; assist visitors or mail requests with specific research questions; help develop our research resources

Collection: receive and evaluate new items; plan for and carry out any needed conservation; enter items into our collection database (Past Perfect); take oral histories.
Publicity: Create fliers, press releases, etc. to spread the word about our events.
Distribute publicity materials as needed. Take photographs at our events.

Website/Internet: Help keep our website up to date with coming events and add other new content; help host a CHS Facebook Page

Publishing: have experience with InDesign, MS Publisher or similar software? Help our researchers/writers publish their findings in a professional manner;
Help design signage/brochures to help interpret the town’s historic sites.

Membership: help process membership forms and dues; welcome new members. Help with membership/newsletter mailings.

Ready to help? Complete the volunteer form and press SUBMIT We look forward to welcoming you.

Volunteer Form CHS